ATOM RPG: Trudograd - Table for Cheat Engine {Csimbi}


a bunch of pointers for character stats, skill and so on. Freeze damage counter at 0 if you'd like God Mode.
Inv. Weight Mod; scales the weight of all items in your inventory (not the items you wear though)
Loot Scale Vis. Mod; scales the distance at which loot shows up (when you highlight items)
Highlight Timer Mod; scales the speed for the highlight timer (I found it easier to spot items this way)
Infinite Ammo; as name suggests - player check included
Infinite AP; as name suggests - player check included
Move Speed Mod; scales the speed with which player puppet moves over terrain
Anim. Speed Mod; scales the speed with which player puppet animation plays. Looks funny if it's not equal to move speed.
Hunger Reseter; resets hunger and its timer to 0 when game attempts to process hunger effect.
kind Reseter; resets toxicity level and its timer to 0 when game attempts to process hunger effect.
Cold Reseter; resets cold and its timer to 0 when game attempts to process hunger effect.
Last Hovered Item Pointers; hover over an item in your inventory to check basic stuff. I included pointers only to the basics, really, these are valid for any time of blueprints. Expand as you see fit.
The table also contains a separate script for Bombagun.
Bombagun; this is a set of pointers. The pointer updates as you move your mouse over the cards. The points take effect when you drop a card on the board next time. I set all values to 20, dropped a card and won the game instantly.

Author: Csimbi

The source of information - ATOM RPG

DOWNLOAD (24.9 Kb) 2022-Jul-08

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