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Cloudpunk: Table for Cheat Engine {maxarmin}


  • Replace Car Upgrade Price with 1000 Lims Added

When you purchase any car upgrade, it adds 1000 Lims to your money wallet instead of deducting it.

  • Adds Shop Purchase Price to Lims Wallet

Adds the price value of the item price to your wallet. Adds money, basically.

  • Adds Money / Inverse Deduct

I forgot what this is for. Try it yourself.

  • Adds Car Upgrade Price to Lims Wallet

Same like Shop Purchase one, but for Car Upgrades. Interferes with the first option, choose one.

  • Replace Lims Received with 5000 Lims

When you received Lims through exploration or mission, it will replace the Lims to 5000 Lims.
If you're supposed to receive more than 5000 Lims, it will ignore it.

  • Freeze Item Amount

This will freeze the item amount when purchasing or selling items.
Disable when buying something, since it won't allow items to be added to Inventory.

Author: maxarmin

The source of information - Cloudpunk

DOWNLOAD (3.9 Kb) 2020-Apr-29

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