Home » Door Kickers

Door Kickers: Table for Cheat Engine v1.0.9 GOG {FreeER}


Stars - script to set max to 0x7FFFFFFF or address of additional stars that can be set (script uses defined symbol but has commented aob+code)

Doctrine - Pointer via instance address or Script to find and copy instance address (defined symbol with commented aob+code)

Squad XP - only via symbol pointer (roster instance), though simple enough to find manually, open %userprofile%Documents\KillHouseGames\DoorKickers\roster.xml and search for the xp value at the top, 4 byte

NumDeployedTroopers = 0 script, allows you to fill all deployment spots with troopers (defined symbol with commented aob+code).


Author: FreeER

The source of information - Door Kickers

DOWNLOAD (13.6 Kb) 2018-Jan-29

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