Home » Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (Steam) - Table for cheat Engine {Exeter}

Minor update to Hylian's table regarding the gates in Giruvegan and Great Crystal. After some testing and exploring I noticed that some gates were still not opened (Sagittarius II, etc). Also changed the address type to byte, instead of 4-bytes, because it was overwriting stuff it shouldn't be writing to. And you literally only need to modify one byte for each of the addresses to open up every gate.

I'm done exploring the Great Crystal now in my game (beat up Ultima, got the Rare Marks, etc), and all the gates were opened up now.


Author: Exeter

The source of information - Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

DOWNLOAD (0.5 Kb) 2018-Feb-27

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