Home » HuniePop 2: Double Date

HuniePop 2: Double Date - Table for Cheat Engine {GreenHouse}


- Infinite Date Moves
The date moves available won't decrease.

- Infinite Stamina
You'll have infinite overall stamina, in both dates and talking.

- Infinite TALKING Stamina
You'll have infinite stamina when talking only.

- Insta-Max Passion
Instantly max date passion.

- Infinite Seeds [Open Store]
You'll get 900 of each seed on opening the store.

- Unlock All Outfits and Hairstyles
Unlocks all outfits and hairstyles. Either temporarily (While script enabled) or permanently.
(You can change them from the hotel room)

- Insta-Max Affection
Instantly max date affection.

- Insta-Max Bonus Affection
Instantly max bonus date affection

- Freeze Bonus Affection Decrease
Freeze the bonus affection decrease.

- Play Cutscenes [TESTING]
Plays the cutscene of your choice. To use it, change 'Desired Cutscene' to a number from 1 to 175, and double click 'Waiting' and set to 'Play Cutscene'. Some cutscenes might not play, others might overlap over other stuff and mess up in general. Also, the moment you enable the script, open the 'Finder' tab first to ensure that it'll work. Just in general, remember that this is buggy, and will make characters appear, and things overlap.

- Unlock Developer Console
Unlocks the developer console which you can use to type some commands listed below.
Press ENTER to open it. Type the command, and press ENTER again to execute.

All Console Commands

Some of these I don't fully know how they work for now. I'm just listing them.
all_girls_met: Unlocks All Girls

add_fruit: Adds amount of fruits desired.
Use example: add_fruit Talent 10 ( Talent, Flirtation, Romance, Sexuality )


add_resource: Adds amount desired of a resource of your choice.
Use example: add_resource Moves girlId 10 ( Affection, Moves, Stamina, Passion, Sentiment, Broken ) ???


Author: GreenHouse

The source of information - HuniePop 2: Double Date

DOWNLOAD (21.8 Kb) 2021-Feb-11

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