SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS - Table for Cheat Engine {Shinkansen}

Simple table for SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS, may or may not work. Game generates code at runtime so table has a high chance of not working / detecting the wrong code / crashing.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First, To Activate: YYY)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address.
E. Do action ZZZ.

V1000 - 2020-01-24
1. Tested game version 64-bit. May work on other versions.

2. BattleManager.
"HP Set to Max?" sets HP to max.
"LP Set to Max?" sets LP to max.
"Buffs Set to Massive?" sets Buffs to max.
"Misc Set to Massive?" sets BP cost to min etc.
"Skills Levels Set to Massive?" sets Skills levels to massive.
"Arts Used Set to Massive?" sets Arts used to massive for quick rank-up.
"Benisons Set to Massive?" sets Benisons chance to massive.
"Enemy HP Set to Max?" sets Enemy HP to max.

Allows the following to be modfied.
- m_PlaySpeed. Battle speed.
- m_PartyExp.
- m_PartyLevel.

3. Slots
"Force Inventory Set to Massive?" forces the following option to affect all items, even unacquired ones.
"Weapons, Shields Set to Massive?" sets Weapons, Shields to massive.
"Main Armor, Auxiliary Armor, Accessories Set to Massive?" sets Main Armor, Auxiliary Armor, Accessories to massive.
"Materials Set to Massive?" sets Materials to massive.
"Formations Set to Massive?" sets Formations to massive.
"Benisons Set to Massive?" sets Benisons to massive. Doesn't seem to do anything.
"Key Items Set to Massive?" sets Key Items 2 or more to massive.
"Regional Goods Set to Massive?" sets Regional Goods to massive.
"Famous Goods Set to Massive?" sets Famous Goods to massive.

Allows the following to be modfied.
- "Slots Stats -> Key Items m_totalNum". Key Items.

4. CharaWork.
"LP Set to Max? sets LP to max.
"Skills Levels Set to Massive?" sets Skills levels to massive.
"Arts Used Set to Massive?" sets Arts used to massive for quick rank-up.

Allows the following to be modfied.
- "CharaWork Stats - > m_playData -> ownedArtsLabelList". Techs.
- "CharaWork Stats - > m_playData -> ownedRoleLabelList ". Roles.

To quickly acquire all Techs, do the following.
1. Make a backup save first!
2. View the edit character tech.
3. View "CharaWork Stats - > m_playData -> ownedArtsLabelList -> Count". This will be either 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256.
4. Modify / add 2 to "Count", i.e. 16 to 18 etc. Modify "_size" to be equal to "Count".
5. Save the game and reload. Repeat step 2 to 5 until "Count" is 256.
6. Modify "_size" to 129.
7. Copy and paste the following starting from Slot 1 memory location.

18000000 1C000000 20000000 24000000 28000000 2C000000 30000000 34000000 38000000 3C000000 40000000 44000000 49000000 4D000000 51000000 56000000 5A000000 5E000000 62000000 66000000 6A000000 6E000000 72000000 76000000 7A000000 7E000000 82000000 86000000 8A000000 8F000000 93000000 97000000 9B000000 9F000000 A3000000 A7000000 AB000000 AF000000 B3000000 B7000000 BB000000 C0000000 C4000000 C8000000 CC000000 D0000000 D4000000 D8000000 DC000000 E0000000 E4000000 E8000000 EC000000 F1000000 F5000000 F9000000 FD000000 01010000 05010000 09010000 0D010000 11010000 15010000 19010000 1D010000 21010000 25010000 29010000 2D010000 32010000 36010000 3A010000 3E010000 42010000 46010000 4A010000 4E010000 52010000 56010000 5A010000 5E010000 62010000 67010000 6B010000 6F010000 73010000 77010000 7B010000 7F010000 83010000 87010000 8B010000 8F010000 93010000 98010000 9C010000 A0010000 A4010000 A8010000 AC010000 B0010000 B4010000 B8010000 BC010000 C0010000 C4010000 C9010000 CD010000 D1010000 D5010000 D9010000 DD010000 E1010000 E5010000 E9010000 ED010000 F1010000 F5010000 F9010000 FD010000 01020000 05020000 09020000 0D020000 11020000 15020000 19020000 1D020000 21020000

Author: Shinkansen

The source of information - SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS

DOWNLOAD (56.1 Kb) 2020-Jan-24

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