Home » Sword Art Online Re Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment - Table for Cheat Engine Edit 5 {qweasdzxc17}

Here is a preliminary table for my non-existent userbase

First Release:
Infinite HP
Infinite SP

Update 1:
Added all Skill Levels and SS Masteries. (May be missing those that require near end-game progress to unlock)
Added Misc pointers (Money, Skill points, Start of Storage memory)
Added script "Keep Storage at 99" (Anything put into storage will 99 instantly)

Update 2:
Fixed "Keep Storage at 99" now will not remove item when quantity used is 99
Added Hollow Points to Misc Pointers
Added script "Instant Complete Implementation" (Do the action once to update)

Update 2.1:
Added Evasive Arts and Shield Skill Levels.

Update 3:
Added XP Multiplier
Changed script for "Instant Complete Implementation" (Works for all now, but more brute force than i would like)

Update 3.5
Fixed "Infinite SP" now modifies actual value, not display value.
Added "Black Howling Assault" to SS Mastery.
Added another skill points address. (Skill points + Skill points = Total skill points)

Update 3.5 Hotfix 1
Script ""Keep Storage at 99" is now "Freeze Storage" (Off when not using)

Update 4:
Added "Instant Complete Implementation (Lazy version)" this will auto-complete the current "checking" implementation
Added SS Masteries for all skills gained from element implementation.

Update 5: (Thanks to gradius12 for pointing out Hollow Area rank, Affinity and XP)
Added addresses for all hollow area ranks, most main characters affinity.
Added scripts "Partner XP Multiplier", "Affinity Multiplier", "Instant Level Up".
Added script "Dont Decrease Inventory" (Off when not in use)


Author: qweasdzxc17

The source of information - Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

DOWNLOAD (9.7 Kb) 2018-Apr-04

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idk if you'll see this but just know that you are highly appreciated by me for this.