Home » Touhou 16.5 - Violet Detector

Touhou 16.5 - Violet Detector: Table for Cheat Engine v1.00a {DreadZone3030}


Camera gauge
Boss lifebar [n1]

-Display only. To hack the boss's HP, search for the said value by 4 bytes (start address = 100000; end address = FFFFFFF), shoot the boss, search its decreased value until there are 2-4 entries left (one is the lifebar).
-If there are 2 bosses in a stage, do the same method for the other one.
-If there are 3 addresses (one is the lifebar), a boss is using a non-spell card attack. Use the last 2 addresses.
-If there are 4 addresses (one is the lifebar), a boss is using a spell card attack. Use the 4th address.

Author: DreadZone3030

The source of information - Touhou 16.5 - Violet Detector

DOWNLOAD (7.1 Kb) 2019-Apr-02

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