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VenusBlood FRONTIER International: Table for Cheat Engine {happyTugs}


  • KiriKiri Object Dumper:
    I don't think this will particularly concern you, unless you are interested in learning about the krkr engine. If that isn't the case, you can disregard this entirely.
  • Hook KiriKiri Objects:
    Quite simply, this script creates a timer, with a three second refresh delay, that registers objects. So you might have to wait for a few seconds for the script to refresh the address list inside cheat engine.
  • Char & Inspect:
    The 'Char' script will allocate some memory for read/write operations. Subsequently, the 'Inspect' script will load the specified char from the memory record 'Change Me Then Inspect!', and will load the characters data within the below sub-headers. Keep note, the 'Inspect' script might not trigger, and that is perfectly normal given you activate the 'Char' script, and the memory is allocated properly. Just toggle again until the values are loaded.

Author: happyTugs

The source of information - VenusBlood FRONTIER

DOWNLOAD (15.0 Kb) 2022-Jan-03

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