Home » Warhammer 40K: Gladius

Warhammer 40K: Gladius - Relics of War - Table for Cheat Engine v1.0.3 {koderkrazy}

Note: Do not lock the 'Player Pointer' and 'Unit Pointer'! Modify values manually.
As it is turn based game you have ample time to do manipulations...

Player stats:
- While in game select any friendly unit to load stats.

Unit Stats:
- Select unit to display stats.
- Works when game says 'Order Units' and when there are no queued actions on the unit.
- It works on enemy units too. Reduce their health to end combat quickly. 
- Movement: keep modifying it after every use to get infinite movements in current turn.
- Actions: Modify after each action to get unlimited actions. Need to update movements too. Because Actions consume movements.

Press Ctrl + D to bring up Debug Menu


Author: koderkrazy

Warhammer 40K: Gladius - Relics of War - Table for Cheat Engine v1.0.3 {koderkrazy}
The source of information - Warhammer 40K: Gladius

DOWNLOAD (5.2 Kb) 2018-Jul-16

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