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World War Z: Table for Cheat Engine CODEX +2 {Cielos}

made for CODEX only.
no aobscan.
won't make one for the retail, part of the process is server side.
you can still just edit the value I guess?
probably won't add much to the table, as it's the only option my friend requested..

- added ignore currency. NOT thoroughly tested.
- updated no reload. added another chk zero to reduce the "isbadreadptr" calling time.
- updated no reload. it should cover all weapons now (including heavy weapons).

no reload
- clip still drop until it reach 1.

ignore currency
- you can upgrade class and guns regardless of your currency.
- currency still decrease until it reaches zero.
- not thoroughly tested. if no doubt, only activate it when you're trying to buy class or gun upgrades.


Author: Cielos

The source of information - World War Z

DOWNLOAD (2.7 Kb) 2019-Apr-20

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