ArmA 3: Table for Cheat Engine v2.18.152405 {guy960915}
-Infi HP
-Infi Ammo
-Hit Damage Modifier
-Rapid Fire
-Stamina Bar Modifier (0==full bar)
-Load Limit - Disable (unlimited load for backpack, Veh, anything can carry)
-Disable Stamina and Fatigue System
-Fast Speed (Animation Speed, 2==max)
-Stamina and Fatigue System - Disable
-Tank / Vehicle Fast Reload and Change Ammo
-Adaptive Crosshair
-Player Attributes - Skill Stats
-Player Name
-Player Rating
-Stamina / Fatigue System
-Sway Aim Coef
-Speed Anim Coef
-Audible Coef (lower value means the unit is harder to hear)
-CamouflageCoef (lower value means the unit is harder to spot)
-Stamina bar level loadCoef (Equipment weight multiplier affecting fatigue and stamina)
-Modify Skill Stats