Home » Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom - Table for Cheat Engine {Shizuma}


- Minimum gold
Set 25000 gold

-  Houses - Fill with Goods and Visitors
Fill Houses with goods and required visitors.

-  Houses - Elite House free build
Build Elite House regards less of Desirability or Hemp/Ceramic stocks.

-  Building - Fill Workers
Fill Buildings with workers

-  Building - No Hazards
Protect all buildings from hazards like climb or fire.

-  Building - Instant Production
All Industry and Military building instant product, if they are required stored resources.

-  Building - Fill with raw and goods
Fill all Building with maximum required ressources.
Works for Hunters, Fishers, Industry, Tax offices, Confucian Academy, Military buildings.

- -  Submenu > Fill Hemp Farm and Orchards
Once by month fill Hemp farm and Orchards with adjustable value (Default 4 units)
 Actually dont work with farmhouse

-  Building - Unlock all
Allow you to build anything except Monuments.

- -   Submenu > Unlock Ressources in WareHouse
Unlock Warehouse to all you to use all ressources.

-  Aesthetics - Perfect Desirability

-  Aesthetics - Perfect Feng Shui

-  Religion - Gods Exalted
All gods get -Exalted- status

-  Religion - Gods Activation (+Sub Menu)
Active or Unactive all gods and gods type.

-  Agriculture - Instant Grown
All Fields and Trees are full grown instantly
 Dont change the harvesting date.

-  Ingame - Map Editor
Edit your map.

- -   Submenu > Brush Size
Adjust the brush size.

-  Tweaks - Dont allow in new Warehouse & Mill
All ressources is set on unallow by default on new Warehouse & Mill.

-  Tweaks - Trade no limit
Allow trader to sell and buy more than the maximum allowed.

Author: Shizuma

The source of information - Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

DOWNLOAD (8.1 Kb) 2023-Jan-10

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