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Final Fantasy IX: Table for Cheat Engine (Steam + Moguri Mod Installed) {DrummerIX}

Options so far:
God Mode, One Hit Kill, Enemy Damage Multiplier, Hero Damage Multiplier, HeroCannotDie,SetEnemyHPLowOneHit (For Blue Learning)
Infinite MP
AT Multiplier, Enemy AT Multiplier
Trance Multiplier
Always Preemptive Strike
Infinite Item Usage, Set Item Amount
Infinite Magic Stones
ABP Multiplier
EXP Multipier, Gil Multiplier
Easier Enemy Item Drops
100% Steal All Items
Current Shop Item Pointers
Freeze Timer for Minigames
Always Able To Call Chocobo On World Map (Use Gyshal Greens)
Frog Options (Frogs Caught Pointer and Frogs Remaining Pointer)
Chocobo Options & Pointers (Chocobo Modifier, Points, Beak Level, Have All Chocograph Inventory & Location Found)
Pointers to Gil, Trance Bars for some characters, Time Played In Seconds
Set All Cards Owned to Max Stats,
Character Editor, Party Member Editor, Item Editor, Item Ability Editor

I don't really have time to fully update this table for the latest Moguri Mod and Steam version, but I did try to get EXP/GIL Multiplier working. I apologize for my lack of time, but that's what life is giving me at the moment.

Here is the table with EXP/GIL Multiplier working for Moguri 8.1.2 and latest Steam version.


Author: DrummerIX

The source of information - Final Fantasy IX

DOWNLOAD (14.7 Kb) 2020-Oct-26

Total comments: 2
0 Spam
I cant seem to change character editor, I can only choose Zidane, when change to others, the stats wont change accordingly. Please help me if u can, Thanks.
0 Spam
al principio me anduvo todo de 10, y la verdad q fue un excelente aporte.
lo que quise probar nuevamente y salta un error Error al

inyectar el dll de MonoDatacollector
Error: [string "lua_aobscan (" GetEventStateAOB "," "," 48 83 C4 2 ... "]: 1: intento de llamar a un valor nulo (global ' lua_aobscan ')