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Minecraft Dungeons: Item Edit (MS Store and Launcher) {XinPeriF}

A few more things to note now.
-If you want to add more enchantments beyond what's available and/or armor stats, reach out to me directly on discord: Red Jive#1636. You can and will make your game crash if you don't heed this warning and reach to me first
-When making an item guilded, make it guilded first, THEN add the enchantment and level. It's been noted that level 2 is the max level as of now. however we did leave the option for level 3 guilded enchants. Have fun with that.
-When making an item NOT guilded. Make the guilded enchantment level 0 first. Then make the guilded enchantment null. Then remove the gilded. It is possible to make the game crash otherwise.

Author: XinPeriF

The source of information - Minecraft Dungeons

DOWNLOAD (11.7 Kb) 2021-Feb-25

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