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Snow Bros. Special: Table for Cheat Engine {ytrfamli}


  • Unlock All Characters
  • Unlock All Stages
  • Use Character

Unlock All Characters (Challenge Mode)
 This does not modify progress.
Unlock All Stages (Arcade Mode)
 This modifies your progess. Cf. Debug if you wish to reset.
Use Character
 Use characters outside of Challenge Mode.

Use Character takes affect when you start Arcade, Survival or Time Attack. You can't change character during a run.
It's using input lists, that's why there're two identical addresses, one is my own order, one followes Challenge Mode's order.
I use my own naming so some may differ from the game's.
I can understand if you say Topsy doesn't ring so well, but no one will convince me that PlumPlum and PuffPuff are not better.
You don't need to lock this address, since it's modifying asm code.


  • NO Boss time limit
  • Fix 1up Counter 
  • Fix(Some)Fidget Disorder
  • Fix Overt speed
  • Fix Quick Melt
  • Fix Slow Burn
  • Fix(Some)Jump Down
  • Boost Bonus Mode
  • Boost Ogre's Headbutt
  • Ogre Rewrite to D+Atk
  • Boost Mighty Joe's Explosion
  • Boost Topsy's Dart and Tornado
  • Boost Imp's Roll CD
  • Boost Frogman's Fire CD

I would recommend to just tick the header and enable all the mod.
But if you wish to use them individually here are what each one does.

NO Boss time limit
 Reject CRTGames's addition that the boss dies if you fight for too long.
Fix 1up Counter
 Reject CRTGames's "silent 1up at 100,000, then nothing at all" scoring system.
 With this you get 1up for every 500,000 points, and an sfx rings. 
Fix(Some)Fidget Disorder
 Reject CRTGames' AI that makes enemys twitch.
 ('Some' because I'm not sure if my method is correct.)
Fix Overt speed
 Reject CRTGames' enemy walk speed. Add a cap so they actually walk, not run.
Fix Quick Melt
 Reject CRTGames' snow melt speed.
Fix Slow Burn
 Reject CRTGames' Fire burn time. They last too long and the BigNose fight is a mess.
Fix(Some)Jump Down
 Works for characters whose ↓+Jump is not mapped to skills.
Boost Bonus Mode
 Slightly extends bonus mode time, and reward for collecting SNOW becomes 3up.
Boost Ogre's Headbutt
 CD reduced.
 Initiate even in air.
 Headbutt penetrates enemies.
 Side effect: Headbutt 1HKO bosses.
Ogre Rewrite to D+Atk
 Remap headbutt to Down+Atk instead of Down+Jmp
 Makes jump down possible for Ogre. (With "Fix Jump Down")
Boost Mighty Joe's Explosion
 You no longer die from Self-explosion.
 CD set to 10 seconds.
Boost Topsy's Dart and Tornado
 CD reduced.
 Tornado no longer reset your buff
Imp == Goblin
Frogman == FireSpitter

Debug/Misc (Only listing useful ones)

  • Progress
  • Start with 30 lives
  • No floor time limit (Pumpkin)
  • Fix Bomb Explo Anim (Experim)
  • Change Jump height
  • _GMgr.player_1.life
  • _GMgr.selectLevel

 Allows you to control how many stages are unlocked. Over 70 == All.
Fix Bomb Explo Anim (Experim)
 Fix Bomb's redundant explosion anim during his skill.
 This is irrelevant if you use the Mod which prevents him from dying during self-explosion.
Change Jump height
 This needs floor init code, so if you want to use it, activate it before a floor starts.
 Activate during a floor won't work, unless floor has changed or you restart the floor.
 Allows you to jump to any floor, even 7X~80.
 1.Pause during any floor.
 3.Change this value to 7.
 4.Select "Restart current floor"

Steps to use the table:

  1. Start the game
  2. Open the table, then tick LockOnExe
  3. Tick the cheat/mods of your choice

*:Check the post notes (the row with a red eye) for details of the entries

DOWNLOAD (8.0 Kb) 2025-Feb-03

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