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Hearts of Iron 4: Console commands

This page lists the codes which may be inputted into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by hitting ^ or ° (key varies based on keyboard layout). Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary.

List of commands

Press Shift+2, §, ~, `, or ALT+2+1, or Shift+3 to access the console (key varies based on keyboard layout)

Country tags

Country tags are case sensitive eg. USA, CHI, ENG, SOV. Newly spawned nations are given a tag in the range d01, d02, d03 and on wards depending on availability

Command                        Effect

rendertype - Reports what render backend is used

tweakergui - Spawns a tweaker GUI

add_equipment(ae) [<equipment amount>] [<equipment name>] - Adds equipment

For example: add_equipment 200 Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251/20 : See "equipment_l_english.yml" for full list of names

reload [file name] - Reloads assets

time - What time is it?

reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename] - Reloads the shader

particle_editor - Spawns a particle editor

whitepeace(wp) [<country tags>] - White peace with the specified countries.

testtool(test) - Testing tool.

analyzetheatres(anth) - Analyze theatres for errors.

massconquer(massc) - Mass conquer tool.

deleteallunits(delall) - Delete all armies and fleets of the specified countries.

For example: deleteallunits SPR

aircombat(airc) [<scenario name>] [<result name>] [<province id>] [<state id with airbase>] [<state id with airbase>] [<equipment type>] [<equipment type>] [<equipment creator country>] [<equipment creator country>] - Spawns an air combat in desired location.

teleport(tp) [<province_id>] - Teleports selected armies or ships to the specified province

theatersrebuild(trebuild) - Rebuilds all theatres in the world. All orders will be cleaned.

fronts - Toggle visibility of the foreign fronts

traderoutes - Toggle visibility of trade routes

debug_tactics - Toggle visibility of debug tooltip for tactics

allowdiplo(adiplo,nocb) - Allows to use all diplomatic actions for no matter the rules.

debug_nuking - Allows to nuke every province without checking any conditions.

reloadsupply(relsup) - Reinitializes the supply systems.

 deltat [<speed factor>] - control animation speeds

building_health(bhealth) [<building type>] [<state or prov id>] [<building level>] [<health to add>] - Changes specified building health

instantconstruction(ic) - Toggles instant construction cheat.

nomapicons - Toggles map icons.

nopausetext - Toggles the pausebanner for nicer screenshots.

nextsong - Changes the currently playing soundtrack.

combatsound - How often does the combat view give a random sound? 0-50

morehumans(humans) [num] - Adds more humans

window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name] - Opens or closes the specified window

reloadinterface - Reloads the entire interface

reloadtechnologies - Reloads the technology database

updateequipments - Updates the equipment database

updatesubunits - Updates the subunit database

reloadoob [<Target Country Tag>] - Reloads OOBs

update_loc [localization tag] - Updates the localization tag file

poll - Polls valid Events

event [event id] [<Target Country Tag>] - Executes an event

research [<slot id> or "all"] - Researches an technology from research slot or all.

research_on_icon_click - Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon

annex [<Target Country Tag>] - Begin annex/annexes the specified tag

For example: annex USA or annex d01

winwars - Gives max war score in all wars for the country

testevent [<Event ID>] [<Character ID>] - Tests an event without triggering it

manpower [<Amount>] - Adds manpower to player

add_opinion [<Country tag>] - Add opinion to/from tag

tag [<Country tag>] - Switch tag to another country

resign - Resign from the game

add_interest [<Country tag>] - Add specified country tag to your interest

remove_interest [<Country tag>] - Removes specified country tag from your interest

add_diplo - Adds diplomatic entroute

PrintSynchStuff - Prints random count and seed

SetRandomCount - Sets the randomcount to 0 or arg

observe(spectator) - Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game

ai - Toggles the AI on or off

human_ai - Toggles AI for Human countries

ai_invasion - Toggles AI AI naval invasions

ai_accept(yesman) - Toggles AI always accept diplomacy

fow(debug_fow) [<Province ID> OPTIONAL] - Turns off fog of war in a province or in general

collision(debug_collision) - Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision

savegame - Creates an savefile.

savecheck - Makes a savegame (Test_01), loads the savegame, makes a new savegame (Test_02). Those savegames should look the same.

IP - Shows your IP

requestgamestate - Requests the gamestate from host

nudge - Go to the nudge tool

mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] - Change mapmode.

fullscreen - Toggles fullscreen

prices - Price Info

add_core [<Province ID>] - Add core

remove_core [<Province ID>] - Remove core

debug_zoom - Zooms in the game

debug_types - Will print the data type for all dynamic reference objects. Can only be used if using RTTI.

debug_show_event_ID - Shows event ID

debug_commands - Printing commandcount to message.log

debug_events - Start Counting events

debug_dumpevents - Dump Event data to game log

debug_diploactions - Start Counting diplomatic actions

debug_dumpdiploactions - Dump diplomatic action data to game log

debug_assert - Toggles asserts on/off

debug_smooth - Toggle framesmoothing

debug_nomouse - Toggles mouse scrollwheel on/off

debug_terrain - Toggles Terrain on/off

debug_cities - Toggles Cities painting mode on/off

debug_water - Toggles Water on/off

debug_fronts - Toggles interpolated fronts debug

debug_off_front_snap(dbg_fsnap) - Toggles offensive fronts snapping debug

debug_borders - Toggles Borders on/off

debug_trees - Toggles Trees on/off

debug_rivers - Toggles Rivers on/off

debug_postfx - Toggles PostFX on/off

debug_sky - Toggles Sky on/off

debug_bloom - Toggles Bloom on/off

debug_tooltip - Toggles Tooltips on/off

flagsoutput [<path>] - Creates texture atlas files from memory.

cityreload - Reloads the cities

error - Show errors in log

version - Show current game version

debug_nogui - Toggles GUI on/off

debug_volume [<Volume Delta>] - Modifies music volume

debug_lockcamera - Toggles Camera locked on/off

debug_lines - Toggles Debuglines

debug_entities - Toggles Debug entities

debug_info - Toggles Debug info

debug_particle - Toggles Particles Debug info

debug_ai_budget [CountryTag] - Show ai budget data

debug_textures - Writes Texture info to application debug log

debug_texture - draws textures like bloom

debug_wireframe - Toggles forced wireframe on/off

debug_achievements_clear - Clear all achievements and user stats

moveunit [<Unit ID>] [<Province ID>] - Moves a unit to a province

spawnactor [<Actorname>] [<Province ID>] [<Animation> OPTIONAL] - Spawns an actor with an optional animation

spawn [<SubUnit Type>] [<Province ID>] [<Amount>] - Spawns a unit in a province

guibounds(gui) - Toggles GUI bounds debug

cameraclamp - Toggles the camera clamping

provtooltipdebug(tdebug) - Toggles the debug info in province tooltip

reloadweather [<randomseed>] - Reload and regenerate weather

weather - Toggle weather simulation

debug_air_vs_land(dbg_cas) - Toggle debug mode for air vs land combat.

mapnames - Toggle map names

gbreload - Reloads gradient borders

gbpaint [layer] [channel] - Toggles gradient border painting

occupationpaint(op) - Toggles occupation painting

setowner [country tag] [state id] - Sets state owner

setcontroller [country tag] [province id] - Sets province controller

profilelog - Prints out the profiling informations into time.log

run - Runs the specified file with list of commands

oos - Out of Synch

debug_crash(crash) - Crash!

sleep(wait) [time in sec] - Sleep

goto_province [province id] - Centers to province

goto_state [state id] - Centers to state

trigger_docs(effect_docs) - Print docs for triggers and effects

xp [XP amount] - Gives Army, navy and air experience to player

threat [Threat amount] - Adds or show thread level of player

pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount] - Gives political power to player

3dstats - Toggles 3D Stats

hdr - Toggles hdr

hdr_debug - Toggles hdr debugging

srgb - Toggles sRGB

bloom - Toggles bloom

PostEffectVolumes.Default [posteffect_values name] - Toggles default posteffect values

night - Toggles night

filewatcher - Toggles filewatcher

civilwar [<ideology>] [<target country tag>] - Spawns a civil war

For example: civilwar fascism ENG : Other Valid ideologies "communism" "democratic"

createlean - Create LEAN textures

helplog - Print out all console commands to game.log file.

help [command name] - Print out all console commands or a specific command description.

helphelp - Double Rainbow help.

hsv - Converts RGB to HSV

tag_color - Test setting a country's color

browser [url] - Show browser window

browser_base_url [url] - Set browser base url

aiview - Enable AI debug info

Focus.AutoComplete - Allows national focuses to be instantly finished

instant_prepare - Instantly prepares naval invasions

Hearts of Iron 4: Console commands

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